Friday, March 13, 2009

Peyton Jillian

okay so although my sweet precious is now a week old... I am finally posting about my sweetness.

Peyton Jillian was born March 6, 2009 at 10 am. She was 6 lbs 12 oz and 18 1/2 inches long.

Okay so I was determined to have the baby that weekend. But after thinking about it thought, okay I will just hold off and she may come on her own soon. Well my water broke Friday morning at 3:15... and we were at the hospital by 4... I had to take a shower and have my mom come and be with the girls. Let me tell you the sadness but also slight funny thing that happened. Thursday evening I was driving Reyna and our car pool to soccer practice along the way Kia threw up in the car. Well as I was getting in the shower I asked Ben to go and check on Kia... when she decided at that moment to throw up.. so water broke and a child is puking.. Lovely!!

Well when we got to the hospital.. my contraction were not steady. They were happening about every 15-20 minutes. They admitted me. Got me my epideral around 6:30. Started me on putocian about 7ish... When the doctor checked me there was still a little sack of water between the baby and the cervices.. they popped that about 9ish... had a steady contraction from than on and delivered her at 10.

I will admit I cried for a split second when the doctor said "It's a Girl", but right after that they placed her on me... and I was crying tears of Joy and Love. Reyna and Josalyn wanted to be in the room when I delivered. Reyna was all about being right there watching it all. Josalyn was a little more stand offish and waited till they had her in the baby warmer to walk over and look at her. She is perfect in every way... just beautiful, sweet and what a beautiful spirit she has brought us!!


Thursday, March 5, 2009

36 1/2 Week Preggo Update

This is a picture Reyna took of my on Friday the 27th. I look soooo Big.

So here is the update as of now. I am at 5cm and 80%. And Miserable!!! On Saturday I will be 37 weeks, and Ben has given me the okay that I can start doing the tactics of trying to go into labor... so Friday I am going to be walking the mall, walking, and walking. if that doesn't work than I will be going full force on Saturday. I am really hoping that this lil one will be coming this weekend.

Here is another picture. This one is of my friend Nikki.... she was due the 6th... so she is about two to three weeks ahead of me. She had her baby boy on Monday.... But look at how GIGANTIC I am compared to her....

Josalyn's Baptism

My Jos got baptized on January 31st. She is so sweet, beautiful and Lovable.
Here are some pictures from her day!!