This last Friday we got to take Reyna and two of her friends to Romero Pools, it was a seven mile hike. I really think that I may have died at least seven time there and back. I was cursing the hike all the way there and back, and have a killer sunburn. But after getting all that complaining out I enjoyed watching Reyna and Ben have so much fun jumping into the pools off cliffs.

Reyna just finished 6th grade... she is officially in Jr. High ... I am SOOOOO FREAKED out by this!!! We are very proud of her, she tried out for the CDO club teams, and made the State Team!!! She will be competing all over the state and has two big tournaments out of state.

Josalyn is going into 4th grade. She is doing really well with everything. She's such a sweet girl. She "stole" a kitten from her Grandma Clothier's house, her cat had kittens. And I am too much of a mush to tell her to take it back, so we now have a cat. She bridged over in Girl Scouts.

Kia is going into 2nd grade. She is such a ham!! Two of my favorite quotes the past month from her:
Kia and I were watching the news, she saw the volcano in Iceland erupting. She looks at me with BIG eyes.
Kia: Mom, volcanos are real?
Me: Yes, why would you think they weren't real?
Kia: Well I thought they were extinct.
Rey wanted her team to go to a soccer tournament in New Mexico, she was talking to me about it in the car.
Reyna: Mom why isn't our team going to that tournament in New Mexico?
Kia: Cause we don't speak their language
Reyna: What are you talking about Kia, what language do they speak?
Kia: Uhhhh New Mexican of course, DUHH!!!

Peyton turned 15 months yesterday. Oh how I love her so. She is talking to much!! :) Yesterday she said Josy for the first time, it sounded more like "Osy" She says "Eay" for Reyna and "Ia" for Kia. She said "Pwese" for please. I love being with her everyday and learning the world through her eyes.