I am not sure if anyone even reads my little blog, not that there is much to read. I have been promising myself for the past two weeks, that I would sit and write something interesting... show some cute kids on Halloween..... and show the ever growing belly. So hopefully I can so all of that, now.
So as far as the baby goes: I am now 21 weeks. I was put on "modified" bed rest. The doctor doesn't want me standing for more than 15 minutes at a time. My cervices has started to soften, the baby is low and it hurts like heck.. lots of pressure. My last day at my job is this Friday, what am I going to do with all my time now?? We had an ultrasound a few weeks ago, we DIDN'T find out what it is. Well I did ask for the tech to put it in a sealed envelope, which Ben has taken and said I didn't want to know so he isn't going to let me find out!! What a good hubby, even though I am soooooooo annoyed, he is being the Strong one!!
Other than that things have been... Fun, Chaotic, and Exhausting!!! Reyna is in soccer, doing well playing goalie. She is going to be turning 11 tomorrow. I can't believe my lil girl is growing so fast right in front of my eyes. Josalyn is doing Girl Scouts, and loves her animals. She has been trying to talk her daddy into getting her; a new dog, pigeons, hamster and a rabbit. Kia is loving kindergarten. She is so full of energy, she loves her teacher and school. Ben is playing soccer, working alot, and being a daddy and hubby!!
For Reyna's birthday we are going to go and see Twlight!!! I am sooooooooo Excited, I don't know who is more excited her or me!! I think me!!